If you are interested in applying for someone related to a specific comic or title, it's recommended that you look over their character page and see what NPC characters they are looking for.
For information about character application and the like, go to the Character Information page.
Aquaman Arrowette Arsenal Artemis Atom Animal Man Batman Black Canary Blue Beetle Booster Gold |
Cameron Chase Captain Marvel Connor Hawke Dolphin Donna Troy Flash Green Lantern Hawkgirl Hawkman Huntress |
Jade Jay Garrick Jesse Quick Lady Shiva Lobo Lois Lane Martian Manhunter Oliver Queen Oracle Orion Parallax |
Ra's Al Ghul Rene Montoya Robin Silver Monkey Starfire Starman Superman Triumph Wonder Girl Wonder Woman |
Links to some of the webpages deticated to some of the characters seen here can be found on the Zero Hour Links Page.
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The webmaster of Zero Hour can be contacted at zerohourmux@hotmail.com. Please contact me
with any errors or problems.